Wednesday 13th November 2019
Northbrook MET Canteen
12:45- 1:30pm
Grind! looks at the LGBTQ+ world with the help of Drag King Sammy Silver- Brighton's own cub.
As a Trans Non binary person people are always asking about my gender and sexuality. A lot of people aren't even aware of what pronouns are. I decided to put on this event to educate the young people of the college whilst they have fun.
Northbrook MET-
Open Evening
Wednesday 23rd October
Northbrook MET Campus
5.00- 7.00pm
Northbrook MET Open Evening allows young people and adults that are thinking about attending
college the chance to have a look around the site, ask questions to both staff and students whilst exploring their options either at the end of the year or straight away. Northbrook MET caters for all age groups and skill sets; it does this because it is both a sixth form college as well as a university.
To organise (as a team) the events that happen during the October Open Evening.
Below is the process the class followed to organise the event as well as my evaluation.